--> [ News ] <--

[01/21/2016]: Notes from my LAB-BOOK! Surface Plasmon and »radiative« Surface Waves for the NANO to Terahertz Region!!

[07/05/2013]: Please HELP! The Widukind-project needs your support!!

[10/03/2013]: A large page about logarithms is finished: Logarithmen für alle!!!

[11/20/2012]: Winner of the "Nonsense-Comedy-Award 2012": "Der Drache aus der Hölle"!!

[04/20/2012]: A new chapter: Mendeleev’s Periodic Table of Elements - The magic of russian order in chemistry...

[04/18/2012]: My first novel Der tote Student is in print!!

[02/12/2012]: Published the short clip "The Wave-Particle Duality of Light" at facebook and You Tube. Here it is:

[02/05/2012]: Started to work on the chapter Fresnel Diffraction!

[01/20/2012]: Work on the chapter Surface Plasmon Experiment is getting complicated. How would Feynman explain the theory...

[01/07/2012]: Update of all pages and adding of missing headlines - having fun with Photoshop!

[01/06/2012]: www.arne-lueker.de is finally online! Discovered some bugs when using different web browsers - that's a bit annoying. I need to reprogramm a lot of pages. But stay tuned!

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